NISHI, Yasutomo and Chihiro MAYUZUMI. 2025. Sutta-nipāta, Dhammapada, Theragāthā, Therīgāthā, Jātaka, Mahāvastu-Avadāna, Lalitavistara, and Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Parallel and Similarity Pāda Index. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 10. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 130pp. (西康友・黛千洋『スッタ・ニパータ、ダンマパダ、テーラガーター、テーリーガーター、 マハーヴァスツ-アヴァダーナ、ラリタヴィスタラ、梵文法華経 並行・類似詩脚索引』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第10号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo and Chihiro MAYUZUMI. 2024. Early Buddhist Texts, Mahāvastu-Avadāna, and Lalitavistara Parallel and Similarity Pāda. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 7 (Second Edition). Chuo Academic Research Institute. 45pp. (西康友・黛千洋『初期仏典・マハーヴァスツ・ラリタヴィスタラ—並行・類似詩脚索引—(第2版)』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第7号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2024. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Kern-Nanjio’s Edition in Roman Script with Complementary Footnotes. Kern-Nanjio’s Edition Romanized Text III. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 9. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 129pp. (西康友『梵文法華経「ケルン・南條校訂本」ローマ字本・脚注補完 第3分冊』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第9号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2023. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Kern-Nanjio’s Edition in Roman Script with Complementary Footnotes. Kern-Nanjio’s Edition Romanized Text II. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 8. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 135pp.(西康友『梵文法華経「ケルン・南條校訂本」ローマ字本・脚注補完 第2分冊』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第8号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2022. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Kern-Nanjio’s Edition in Roman Script with Complementary Footnotes. Kern-Nanjio’s Edition Romanized Text I. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 6. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 141pp.(西康友『梵文法華経「ケルン・南條校訂本」ローマ字本・脚注補完 第1分冊』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第6号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2020. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Central Asian (Kashgar Manuscript) and Gilgit-Nepalese (Kern-Nanjio’s Edition) Recensions of Transcription in Roman Script, Pāda Index and Reverse Pāda Index. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 3. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 165pp.(西康友『梵文法華経カシュガル本/ケルン・南條校訂本—正順逆順詩脚索引—』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第3号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2019a. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Central Asian (Kashgar Manuscript) and Gilgit-Nepalese (Kern-Nanjio’s Edition) Recensions of Transcription in Roman Script, Reverse Word Index. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 2. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 321pp.(西康友『梵文法華経カシュガル本/ケルン・南條校訂本—逆順語彙索引—』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第2号、中央学術研究所)
NISHI, Yasutomo. 2019b. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, Central Asian (Kashgar Manuscript) and Gilgit-Nepalese (Kern-Nanjio’s Edition) Recensions of Transcription in Roman Script, Word Index. Philosophica Mahāyāna Buddhica Monograph Series 1. Chuo Academic Research Institute. 283pp.(西康友『梵文法華経カシュガル本/ケルン・南條校訂本—正順語彙索引—』、『大乗仏典思想叢書』第1号、中央学術研究所)